As a temporary service, we now offer the option of video conference consults in lieu of in person meetings.|More Info


Hawaii Based Law Firm

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, Olson & Sons now offers clients the option of video conferencing in lieu of in person meetings at our offices. Moreover, Olson & Sons will make reasonable efforts, to the extent permitted by court rules, to have Court appearances be via telephone/video conference as well.

For in person meetings, we will clean our waiting area and conference room before and after each meeting. Also, please understand that instead of a handshake, we will use a wave, a “shaka”, or a bow.

Please call our office at 808-323-2677 for details and options regarding conferencing, we will walk you through the process. There is no added cost for the video conferencing.

Olson & Sons

Schedule a Consultation - Olson and Sons, A Law Corporation

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