As a temporary service, we now offer the option of video conference consults in lieu of in person meetings.|More Info

Hawaii Based Law Firm

Ilio Kai

When they are not working or coaching John L. Olson, Robert K. Olson, and Peter S.R. Olson enjoy canoe surfing their beloved outrigger canoe the `Ilio Kai. They have been on many adventures in their canoe including circumnavigating the Big Island of Hawaii in 1993 and paddling from Keokea, Hawaii Island across the `Alenuihaha Channel to Hana on the Island of Maui in 2006. Often times during the winter when the waves are up you can spot them and their red canoe surfing Kapahukapu (“Manini Point”).

Schedule a Consultation - Olson and Sons, A Law Corporation

Schedule a Consultation

To schedule a consultation with an attorney call Olson & Sons today.

Kona Office

Kamuela Office

Canoe Surfing Lawyers

Please call 808-331-3113 in Kona or 808-885-8533 in Kamuela (Waimea) for an appointment – they might even take you out in the canoe!