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Child and Spousal Support
Lawyers in Kona and Kamuela

Domestic Support Obligations (DSOs) are a key component of most divorce orders in Hawaii. Financial support helps children and former spouses achieve economic self-sufficiency, which is in everyone’s best interests. DSOs also help these people have the same standard of living they enjoyed during the marriage. Once again, that outcome is in everyone’s best interests, especially where children are concerned.

At Olson & Sons, our Kona divorce lawyers work hard to preserve your legal and financial rights in these cases. We diligently collect and analyze financial information and use it to put together a settlement proposal that benefits everyone in your family. This simple and straightforward approach often produces results which exceed our clients’ expectations.

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Kona Office

Kamuela Office

Child Support Attorney in Kona and Kamuela

Hawaii is an income share state. So, during a divorce, the court considers a number of factors when setting the child support amount, including:

  • Income of both father and mother,
  • Proportional income of each parent,
  • Number of children before the court,
  • Parenting time division, and
  • Child-related costs, such as health insurance and day care.

All these factors go into a guideline obligation. The judge has some discretion to deviate from these guidelines in limited situations.

If any of these factors change, such as the parenting time division or a parent’s job, a child support modification may be appropriate.

Spousal Support Lawyer

Almost every divorce matter which involves children includes a child support obligation, but only a few family law matters include spousal support obligations.

There is a two-step procedure. First, the judge must conclude that alimony is necessary and proper, given the financial circumstances of each party. Second, the judge must determine the amount and duration of payments, based on factors like:

  • Length of the marriage,
  • Economic and noneconomic contributions to the marriage,
  • Custody of minor children, and
  • Agreements between the parties.

Once again, if any relevant circumstances change, a Kona divorce lawyer may be able to modify the amount and/or duration of alimony payments.

Contact Kona Kamuela Child Support Attorney Today

Alimony and child support obligations directly affect your legal and financial rights. For a confidential consultation with an experienced Kona divorce lawyer, contact Olson & Sons, L.C. We have several offices in Hawaii County.