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Contempt of Court
Attorneys in Kamuela

Anyone who violates a protective order, visitation order, property division order, or other family court directive could be held in contempt of court. These violations draw the ire of Hawaii County judges, making it more difficult for a Kona divorce lawyer to achieve the best possible result. Additionally, contempt charges may involve criminal penalties, including jail time.

If you face contempt of court charges, the assertive attorneys at Olson & Sons are here to help. We also enforce court orders, to help your family’s daily schedule runs smoothly and to give you peace of mind. Either way, we aggressively stand up for individual rights, as is our professional mission.

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Domestic Violence: Orders of Protection and Restraining Orders

In general, restraining orders protect family members from threats of imminent violence or patterns of persistent violence. Family members are generally people who are related by blood or marriage. Imminent violence includes physical assaults as well as false imprisonment (e.g. taking car keys without permission). Patterns of persistent violence include things like stalking and harassment.

There are some grey areas, so an assertive Kamuela divorce lawyer is essential. Dating partners and people who have a child together may qualify as family relationships, but these definitions are vague. Furthermore, imminent violence is difficult to prove in court without a physical injury. And, the harassment or stalking must be of a malicious nature.

Child Custody and Property Infractions

Most divorce orders, including temporary divorce orders, include specific directives regarding property management provisions, ownership provisions, pickup and drop-off locations, and so on. These rules are necessary to ensure fairness and accountability.

If a person repeatedly or blatantly violates these orders, contempt of court action may be appropriate. Additionally, if the order is too vague to be effective, our Kona divorce lawyers add clarifying language to the order, so the issue does not occur again.

Call Our Experienced Divorce Lawyer for Help

Contempt of court proceedings are very complex. For a confidential consultation with an experienced Kamuela divorce lawyer, contact Olson & Sons, L.C. Call us on 808-331-3113. After-hours visits are available.