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Olson & Sons – A Law Corporation

What is Considered a Personal Injury in Hawaii?

If you or a loved one was injured because of someone else’s negligence, Hawaii’s personal injury law usually applies. As outlined below, negligence is generally a lack of ordinary or statutory care. Car crashes, medical malpractice, and other such injuries are not “accidents.” People accidentally leave the water on. They do not accidentally drive drunk […]

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How Do Kona Personal Injury Lawyers Resolve Delivery Truck Crash Claims?

Experts predict that, by 2022, the last-mile delivery market will continue growing and exceed $50 billion in North America. The rise of online commerce has fueled much of this increase. Last-mile delivery is also rather perilous. Many delivery drivers load heavy packages into their personal vehicles and depend heavily on GPS navigation devices to get […]

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Seven Specialized Trusts and Kamuela Lawyers

Most Hawaii County families need testamentary trusts. These vehicles preserve privacy and avoid some taxes. When wills go to probate, as they all must, the contents of the estate become public record. In many cases, that disclosure is embarrassing at best and dangerous at worst. Additionally, the corpus (property in the trust) does not legally […]

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Kamuela Personal Injury Lawyer Answers FAQs on Nursing Home Falls

Falls are one of the leading causes of nursing home admissions and one of the leading injuries which occur at long-term care facilities. In fact, almost two-thirds of nursing home residents fall every year. And, since many of these victims are repeat fallers, their injuries are often quite serious. Because of the frequency and severity […]

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How Do Kona DUI Lawyers Attack FST Evidence?

In many cases, especially drugged driving prosecutions, the state relies almost exclusively on the three approved Field Sobriety Tests to establish guilt. So, a Kona DUI lawyer must undermine this evidence in order to successfully resolve the case. That’s also true in Breathalyzer cases. If the defendant does not appear intoxicated in the field tests, […]

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Property Division Issues and Kamuela Divorce Lawyers

This part of marriage dissolution is often the most straightforward phase of a divorce, provided the couple has a premarital agreement. Most Hawaii County enforces these pacts unless they are glaringly one-sided or both spouses did not have independent Kamuela divorce lawyers. In the country’s few community property states, property division is usually rather straightforward […]

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OVUII Consequences and Kamuela DUI Lawyers: A Closer Look

All criminal convictions have both direct and indirect consequences. But these effects are arguably worse in DUI cases, mostly because of the financial cost. The combination of direct and indirect OVUII (Operating a Vehicle Under the Influence of an Intoxicant) consequences could exceed $25,000. There are a number of ways a Kamuela DUI lawyer can […]

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Kona DUI Lawyers and Common DUI Defenses

Generally, the primary defense in a DUI involves creating a reasonable doubt as to the defendant’s intoxication. Generally, drivers are intoxicated if they have lost the normal use of their mental or physical faculties, or they have a BAC above the legal limit, which is usually .08. This approach could mean challenging the field sobriety […]

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A Kona Divorce Lawyer Talks About Baseball and Premarital Agreements

These are probably three noun phrases you never thought you would see in the same sentence. But in the summer of 2011, they all came together, in the Frank and Jamie McCourt/Los Angeles Dodgers saga. First, a few words about premarital agreements in general. Until a few years ago, only super-rich couples with substantial separate […]

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How a Kamuela Divorce Lawyer Can Help You Modify Alimony Payments?

In pretty much every way, Hawaii is a lot different from the other states in the Union. This difference includes alimony awards. Spousal support is available in the Rainbow State. Spousal support payments are in a unique category. They are not quite child support, and they are not quite part of the property division. So, […]

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