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A lush, green valley, blue sky, and white clouds of Kamuela in Hawai'i, where you might be asking, Do I need a personal injury lawyer?

Do I Need a Personal Injury Lawyer in Kamuela or Kona, Hawaii?

If you have suffered an injury in Kamuela, Kona or in Hawai’i through no fault of your own, it is understandable if you have a lot of questions. What are my legal rights? How long will I be out of work? Do I need a personal injury lawyer?

The reality is that most people benefit from the guidance of an attorney after they suffer an injury due to another person’s negligence. If your injuries have resulted in serious pain, medical bills, or time away from work, handling a legal claim on your own is a serious risk. The attorneys of Olson & Sons are ready to advise you of your rights following a serious injury.

When an Attorney May Be Necessary in Hawai’i

While most personal injury cases are best resolved with the help of an attorney, there are some cases where legal counsel might not be necessary. If your case is entirely property damage—for example, a car accident where no one was injured—you might be able to resolve that claim on your own. When injuries are involved, the guidance of legal counsel becomes crucial. Some of the situations where an attorney may be necessary include:

Your Injuries Are Serious

The more serious your injuries, the more likely you are to need an attorney. This is the case for a number of reasons. First and foremost, serious injuries can result in substantial monetary awards. As the potential for compensation grows, the risks associated with serving as your own attorney grow as well.

Serious injury cases are also complex. This is especially true if you require ongoing medical treatment. There are important legal deadlines that must be complied with, and it can be a delicate balance to do so while still pursuing ongoing medical care. An attorney could dramatically reduce the risks associated with your serious injury claim.

The Defendant Won’t Take Responsibility

Any personal injury claim will have its challenges. While most of these claims will come to a resolution through a negotiated settlement, that is not always the case. Resolving an injury claim is especially difficult if the other side refuses to take responsibility for your injuries.

In some cases, a defendant might simply believe that they were not responsible for your injuries at all. In other cases, they might agree they were responsible but disagree on the severity of your injuries.

If your case is contested, the chances are much greater that it could eventually go to trial. Trying a case without the help of an attorney is a risky proposition, especially given that the defendant will likely be represented by legal counsel. If the defendant is disputing liability, it is in your best interest to talk to a lawyer.

There Are Multiple Parties

An injury accident that involves two parties is complicated enough on its own. When there are multiple parties involved in a claim, a case can become far more complex. This is especially true in cases where limits on insurance policies come into play. If you are involved in an accident with multiple injury victims, an attorney could represent your best chance of securing the compensation you deserve.

Benefits of Hiring Legal Counsel in Kamuela and Kona

There are numerous reasons why you might need a personal injury lawyer. In all of those situations, an attorney could improve your chances of a favorable financial settlement. Some of the benefits of hiring an attorney for you injury claim include:

  • Adhering to Deadlines. There are strict deadlines associated with personal injury cases, including the statute of limitations. Your attorney could ensure you meet each of those deadlines.
  • Negotiating a Settlement. Negotiations with an insurance company are rarely simple. An attorney could help you secure the best settlement offer possible.
  • Investigating Your Claim. There is a lot of legwork that goes into developing a theory of liability for a personal injury claim. Your attorney could handle the investigation while you focus on your medical care.
  • Advocate at Trial. Litigation can be a taunting task, especially without the guidance of a lawyer. An attorney could serve as your advocate at trial and give you the best chance of recovering the compensation you deserve through a favorable verdict.

Discuss Your Injury With Olson & Sons Personal Injury Lawyers in Kamuela or Kona

Are you asking, Do I need a personal injury lawyer? The reality of personal injury cases is that you should consider hiring an attorney for a claim if you care about the outcome. The more severe your injury or the greater your financial need, the higher the stakes are for your personal injury case.

The attorneys of Olson & Sons can evaluate your case and advise you on whether or not you need the guidance of an attorney. In most cases, your injury claim is best served with the experienced counsel we can provide. If you are ready to discuss your case, contact us right away for a free consultation.

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