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Olson & Sons

A Law Corporation

A young lawyer speaking to an older gentleman in a neck brace about how to best pursue a personal injury case in Kona, HI

How to Pursue a Personal Injury Claim in Kona, HI

A personal injury lawsuit is a civil dispute resulting from a bodily injury. For a personal injury claim to be successful, a plaintiff must show that the person that caused the injury was negligent. n experienced lawyer lends you their expertise to pursue a personal injury claim in Kona, HI.

Ultimately, a personal injury claim is about holding the person that caused your injury accountable for their negligence. Our firm can help you pursue your personal injury claim and secure the compensation you deserve.

Types of Personal Injury Claims

Personal injury cases come in a wide range of forms. Most situations where the negligence of another person causes an injury could result in a personal injury claim. Some of the most common personal injury cases include:

  • Auto Accidents. Motor vehicle accidents make up a large portion of all personal injury claims. These claims could result from collisions involving passenger vehicles, commercial trucks, motorcycles, bicycles, or pedestrians.
  • Medical Malpractice. When mistakes are made by physicians or other medical professionals, serious injuries can happen as a result. Personal injury claims could result from misdiagnosis, surgical errors, or prescription mistakes.
  • Slip and Falls. An accident involving a slip, trip, and fall could result in serious consequences. Fall injuries could happen in public spaces, private residences, or on the premises of a business. These falls frequently result in viable personal injury lawsuits.
  • Defective Products. When commercial or consumer products are defective, these defects could lead to serious injuries. Some of the products that have the potential to cause devastating injuries include cleaning products, medical devices, appliances, or food.
  • Assault. Criminal assaults can also serve as the basis of a personal injury lawsuit. While an assault is a criminal act, it is also possible for an injury victim to pursue a civil remedy.

You should never assume your bodily injury is not a viable ground for a personal injury claim. Let an attorney from our firm review your case and advise you on how to pursue a personal injury claim and begin potential financial recovery.

Two Ways to Resolve Injury Claims

There is one primary goal with any personal injury claim: recovering financial compensation for your injuries. There are two different ways to secure a favorable outcome in a personal injury claim. The first option is to secure a negotiated settlement with the other party. The second option is to prevail at trial and obtain a trial judgment.

Most plaintiffs pursuing personal injury cases resolve their claims with negotiated settlements. These settlements could occur at any point in the process. In fact, many settlements happen without a lawsuit ever being filed. In other situations, a settlement might not be secured until shortly before a trial is scheduled to commence.

While it is true that most of these claims are resolved with a settlement, that outcome is not always possible. Some personal injury cases will inevitably result in a trial. This can happen for a few reasons. Some defendants will refuse to make a settlement offer because they are certain they are not responsible for the injury. Other defendants might lack the financial means to make a reasonable settlement option. In either case, a jury trial is the most likely outcome.

At trial, both sides will get their chance to argue their case. If the jury sides with the plaintiff, they will determine the amount of compensation the plaintiff is entitled to recover. While a jury verdict is valuable, a plaintiff must still take the steps necessary to collect on that judgment.

Compensation for Your Personal Injuries

When it comes to monetary settlements, there are many different types of damages that could make up the amount of compensation you recover. Some of the most common types of compensation available in a personal injury lawsuit include:

  • Medical Expenses. The cost of your medical treatment is likely to make up a significant portion of your personal injury claim. This is especially true if your medical bills are not covered by insurance. With a personal injury lawsuit, you could recover the cost of hospital stays, emergency room visits, surgical procedures, or prescription drugs.
  • Pain and Suffering. It is not unusual for serious injuries to result in significant physical pain and suffering. Although this type of compensation can be difficult to quantify, pain and suffering damages generally scale with the amount of your medical bills.
  • Lost Wages. Replacing the lost wages you missed out on during your recovery is another major part of many personal injury claims. You could recover compensation for both past and future lost wages resulting from your injury.

Let an Attorney Pursue a Personal Injury Claim in Kona, HI for You

If you are unsure what makes a personal injury claim, an attorney from our firm could help. Olson & Sons is prepared to review the facts of your case and evaluate the strength of your claims. To get started with your personal injury claim, call right away to schedule a free case evaluation.

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