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average payout for a personal injury claim

What is the average payout for a personal injury claim in Hawaii?

There is no easy answer to the question “what is the average payout for a personal injury claim?” This is the case for more than one reason. For starters, public information about the outcome of most personal injury cases is limited. What’s more, there is no central place where research regarding settlements are retained.

The average amount of a personal injury claim might provide you with some useful information, but the reality is that every case is different. Your ultimate settlement could be higher or lower than the average. Thankfully, our team of attorneys could help you evaluate your case and provide you with a fact-based estimate of what it might be worth.


Issues With Determining The Average Value of an Injury Settlement in Hawaii

The vast majority of personal injury settlements never result in the public learning the terms of the settlement. In fact, many injury cases are resolved without public awareness of the claim at all. That is because it is not uncommon for personal injury cases to settle without the filing of a lawsuit.

Most personal injury settlements include a written agreement that spells out the terms both sides must comply with. Typically, the party agreeing to pay the settlement requires language in the agreement that keeps the terms of the settlement private. This is intentional, as it prevents other would-be plaintiffs from getting a picture of what an insurance company might settle a claim from.

These confidentiality agreements make it difficult for the public to access data about the settlement in most personal injury cases. There are other issues that make it impossible to determine the average settlement as well. There is no central repository for the public settlement information that is available, meaning that there is no way to review the settlement information that is available easily. Outside of reviewing court records across all 50 states, this process is unlikely to be helpful.


How An Attorney in Hawaii Could Evaluate Your Case

The lack of clear information on the average payout for a personal injury lawsuit should not dissuade you from pursuing legal action on your own. While you might not have access to this information, an attorney could provide you with insight into what your specific case might be worth. Some of the ways your attorney could evaluate the strength of your claim include:

  • Interviewing You. You are the ultimate expert on how your injuries have impacted your life. If you are unable to work or do the things in life that you love due to your injuries, your attorney could use that information when evaluating your case.
  • Reviewing Medical Records. Medical costs are a big part of many personal injury cases. Your attorney could review your records and the bills that go along with them to determine what fair compensation might look like.
  • Reviewing Property Repair Estimates. Property damage claims can make up a major part of some personal injury cases. This is especially true for motor vehicle accidents. You could recover the cost of repairing or replacing your damage property.


Potential Damages Available To You

Before you can understand what your payout might be for a personal injury settlement, you should be aware of the types of damages that could be available to you. These damages include:

  • Medical Bills. The cost of medical care can be overwhelming. If your personal injury case is successful, you might be entitled to recover damages for the cost of hospital bills, emergency medical care, prescription medication, and other forms of treatment.
  • Lost Wages. Missing work is an unfortunate reality for many injury victims. If your time away from work leads to you missing paychecks, you could recoup your los wages through a civil lawsuit.
  • Pain and Suffering. You might be entitled to compensation for the physical pain you experience due to your injuries. This compensation could be significant, especially if you are living with long-term chronic pain.


Talk to an Attorney To Learn About Your Legal Options in Hawaii

Understanding the average payout for a personal injury claim is not as simple as looking it up in a database. In fact, there is little public information regarding personal injury settlements in general. Thankfully, this should not impact your ability to secure fair compensation following an accident. Your attorney could review the facts of your case and provide insight into what to expect.

The team at Olson & Sons is ready to help you evaluate your injury case and understand what a settlement offer from the other side might look like. If you are ready to get started with this process, reach out right away to schedule your free consultation.


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